
EC Communication: Strenghtening Europe's Cyber Resilience System and Fostering a Competitive and Innovative Cybersecurity Industry

In its Communication of 5 July 2016 the European Commission announces the launch of a public-private partnership on cybersecurity and additional market-oriented policy measures to boost industrial capabilities in Europe.

CyberWISER Light met la gestion du cyber risque au cœur du process de l’entreprise

WISER l’initiative européenne de gestion de cyber-risques met à disposition CyberWISER Light, un nouvel outil gratuit disponible en ligne pour les petites ou grandes entreprises de e-commerce.  Cyber WISER Light Service les aide  à avoir une approche de gestion du cyber risque et à mieux évaluer et traiter les risques pour protéger leurs actifs numériques.

CyberWISER Light: poskrbite za varnost vaših računalniških sistemov

CyberWISER Light je nova brezplačna storitev za učinkovito upravljanje s tveganji v kibernetskem prostoru, ki znižuje vstopne ovire za prevzemanje uspešnih praks, zlasti za mala in srednje velika podjetja, ki ne razpolagajo s sredstvi ali strokovnjaki s področja varnosti v IKT.

V dobi digitalnega poslovanja je zavedanje o posledicah kibernetskih napadov za poslovanje malih in srednje velikih podjetij ključnega pomena za vzpostavljanje ustreznih varnostnih strategij.

European Council Adopts EU-wide cyber security rules

17 May 2016 - the European Council formally adopts new rules to step up the security of network and information systems across the EU.

The network and information security directive (NISD) will increase cooperation between member states on the vital issue of cybersecurity. It lays down security obligations for operators of essential services (in critical sectors such as energy, transport, health and finance) and for digital service providers (online marketplaces, search engines and cloud services).

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