
CyberWISER Light: una ayuda para las PYMES en materia de ciberseguridad

La era digital ha impactado de lleno el mundo empresarial y laboral, hasta tal punto que ya no se entiende un negocio sin una presencia destacada de las tecnologías de la información en su operativa diaria. Sin embargo, existe evidencia de que una gran parte de las PYMES desconocen el impacto que un ciberataque exitosamente ejecutado puede tener en su negocio. Esto lleva a que muchas no implementen las acciones necesarias para protegerse de manera efectiva en lo que a ciber-seguridad se refiere.

Launch of CyberWISER Light: Helping European Firms get smart about Cyber Security

17 May 2016 - WISER announces the launch of its new, free tool for European SMEs: CyberWISER Light 

Digital business is fast becoming the only way to do business. Yet evidence shows that too many small- and medium-sized businesses are not considering the impact that a successful cyber attack could have on their business. And many SMEs fail to take adequate steps towards achieving a strong security posture. 

NIST launches public consultation on cyber security

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is set to release an overhauled systems security engineering document it hopes will change the way software and computer designers think about cyber security.

NIST calls upon U.S. federal agencies, businesses and general population to re-think the approach to cyber security, which should not be just an add-on but a foundational component of any technology that touches the Internet. 

WISER helps organisations implement effective cyber risk management

Cyber-attacks are becoming a clear obstacle for European economies to strive. It is decreasing trust of the users and slowing down the growth of the Digital Single Market. Damage is not only economical, but also has high societal impact, since attacking sensitive information and critical infrastructures that provide essential services for society that, in the most dramatic case, may lead to loss of human lives.

ENISA urges decision makers to take action before a major cyber crisis occurs in Europe

Despite a number of initiatives within the European Network and Information Security community to establish frameworks and standard operating procedures, the EU-level response to cyber incidents, and in particular these which lead to crisis situations, lacks consistency.

ENISA analysed the EU-level crisis management frameworks in five different sectors (aviation, civil protection, border control, counter-terrorism and health and disease control) to make recommendations on more efficient cyber crisis cooperation and management.

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