Xavi Masip
CRAAX - Advanced Network Architectures Lab
Julia Nevmerzhitskaya
Laurea University of Applied Sciences
Javier Tobal
Paul Kearney
Birmingham City University
Ginta Majore
Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
Csaba Virag
Head of Capacity Building at GTCTStakeholders Expert Board
CYBERWISER.eu Stakeholders Expert Board (SEB) is a dynamic group of thought leaders from across Europe, bringing multiple stakeholder viewpoints and insights on cybersecurity training and education:
- EU Policy: Cyber skills gaps; qualifications and certification, with links to ECSO (European Cyber Security Organisation) and ENISA (the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity).
- Cyber training and educational courses in higher education (training next-generation of professionals), SMEs (affordable cyber range), government and large organisations.
- Regular feedback on CYBERWISER.eu developments of its cyber training platform, learning path, training material and skills levels, cyber range.
From July 2020 to February 2021, SEB members will:
- Test the CYBERWISER.eu platform based on different options: Sharing their experiences and giving their feedback on possible improvements.
- Give insights into the upcoming online CYBERWISER.eu Skills Map, including training and education programmes in their respective countries. These interviews will be published in a special report.
- Contribute to the CYBERWISER.eu Guidelines on how Europe can fill the cyber skills gap.
- Explore ways to exploit CYBERWISER.eu results, such as integrating its platform in educational and academic institutes, as well as institutional/corporate cybersecurity units.
From a technological and stakeholder perspective, SEB members bring viewpoints on:
- IoT security, real-time monitoring, security analytics and new threats.
- Mitigation and human factors in cybersecurity.
- Cybersecurity training for SMEs and ethical hackers.
- 5G, AI-based cybersecurity and for cooperative, connected and automated mobility (CCAM).
- Educational Training. Societal and business aspects of cybersecurity.
- Cybersecurity master degrees and digital forensics lab & cyber range integration.
- Cybersecurity for Government stakeholders, large organisations.
- Internet security. Awareness & training. Risk management and human factors.
Since February 2019, CYBERWISER.eu exchanges have been taking place with SEB members every three months. During these meetings, members give both practical and strategic advice on CYBERWISER.eu: Technical developments, the Full Scale Pilots as early end-users and new users from the Open Pilots. As such, the SEB helps shape CYBERWISER.eu positioning and value in the maketplace.