Customisable cybersecurity
helping to close the European cybersecurity skills gap with one of the most advanced cyber ranges in the world

Some of the companies that train their teams at

Train your team and protect your company from cybercrime in the era of remote working

The need for effective cybersecurity training is more pressing than ever. With COVID-19 restrictions bringing about the increasing shift to home working, companies are now offering many more vulnerable points to malicious hackers.

Training is crucial to help organisations and teams to become cyber-aware with regards to best practices including password strength, phishing emails (which have exploded in number since the start of the pandemic) and other types of cyber-attacks.

We currently offer 4 courses



The first learning level appropriate for university students or professionals who do not have any knowledge of cybersecurity. PRIMER will teach students basic concepts such as the most common cybersecurity threats and best practices as well as help them understand the overall process of cyber-risk analysis and is relationship with cybersecurity.


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Designed for users who have already understand the essentials of cybersecurity and are familiar with basic cybersecurity threats and best practices. With BASIC, you will learn about context establishment, cyber-risk assessment and cybersecurity and risk awareness. It is also the first training level in which you will use Cyber Range training scenarios for hands-on training.

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Most Popular!


Designed for users who are already familiar with cybersecurity threats and best practices. With INTERMEDIATE, you will learn about vulnerability assessment tools, graphical cyber-risk models and the economic risk evaluator. The intermediate level also includes hands-on training scenarios with up to 50 virtual machines/virtual networks


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The highest level training course of This course is appropriate for employees who are already very experienced in cybersecurity and cyber-risk in organisations such as Institutions of Higher Education, Research Centres, Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Large Enterprises and Public-Sector Organisations.


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Other Services

SMES Cybersecurity Assessment

Easily understand where your organisations stands in terms of cybersecurity best practices such for:

  • Office firewalls and internet gateways
  • Secure configuration
  • Software patching
  • User and administrative accounts best practices
  • Malware protection
  • Awareness of password weaknesses
  • Basic risk assessment

CyPR: Cybersecurity Professionals Register

CyPR: Cybersecurity Professionals Register A brand-new European Cybersecurity Professional Register, where professionals of any age can promote their specific skill sets and experiences in cybersecurity courses taken and qualifications.

Our courses are specifically designed for:


Cybersecurity students at IHEs and Early Career Professionals


SMEs and Mid-caps


Large Enterprises and Operators of Critical Infrastructures


Public Sector Organisations

19 March 2021

The UK government has recently announced its plans for an updated national cybersecurity strategy aimed at significantly boostings its resilience to cyber-attacks and cyber warfare in what has been dubbed as a "full spectrum" approach. 

3 years 8 months ago

The need for effective cybersecurity training is more pressing than ever. With COVID-19 restrictions bringing about the increasing shift to home working, companies are now offering many more vulnerable points to malicious hackers. Training is crucial to help organisations and teams to become cyber-aware with regards to best practices including password strength, phishing emails (which have exploded in number since the start of the pandemic) and other types of cyber-attacks.

Stakeholders Expert Board

Our solutions are developed with the strategic and practical advice of a dynamic group of thought leaders from across Europe.

Our project scoring according to


Check out the positioning in the European Project Radar




Co-designed in collaboration with

Three large organisations, each of them covering a different domain (higher education, transport, and energy), helped in designing, implementing, and validating our cybersecurity training solutions. The input from these organisations covered all levels of cybersecurity experience, from university students to industry experts, ensuring that training could be tailored to any customers needs.

This collaborator deployed advanced training modules, increasing the automation of training operations, while also making the training modules more effective by using gamification approaches. The main purpose was to validate new developments in training scenarios, introducing EDP’s knowledge of...
Ferrovie Italiane demonstrated the potential of the platform in a business setting for cybersecurity experts in the railroad transport domain. The Ferrovie Italiane cybersecurity team used the platform to perform attack and defence scenarios, while their business experts used the...
The University of Pisa (UniPi) gathered around 40 trainees (undergrads, grads and post-docs) to use the training platform. It focused on user experience and the scalability features of the platform. It demonstrated the flexibility of the CYBERWISER.EU platform which was able to provide...

The Partners

The Consortium is composed of 9 European players from 7 countries, bringing expertise in cybersecurity, security risk assessment and management, security engineering, transportation and electricity critical infrastructures.

  • Calisto Calisti

    The user interface of the hands-on scenario is very user friendly! Especially the scenario diagram is helpful to understand the network topology. I like that you can model and test various systems up to the tools installed. This is very useful experience to try executing various attacks yourself, even for someone who knows what has to be done

    Calisto Calisti / CIO / IDS - Ingegneria Dei Sistemi
  • Matteo Mazzei

    At first I thought it was going to be very easy like a questionnaire on basic topics, but my expectations were exceeded. I was really impressed with the environment and all the things we could do and how easy it is to manage the environment

    Matteo Mazzei / CTO / Aksilia
  • Riccardo Bertini

    I learnt new aspects of SQL vulnerabilities, hands on testing on a real virtual machine was really a plus together with the possibility to play both as an attacker and defender and see what this means in real life. I would definitely recommend it.

    Riccardo Bertini / post-graduate master student / University of Pisa
  • Luca Di Gregorio

    I particularly appreciated how the scenarios are designed, you can play both attacker and defender and this is an added value. Another extremely important point is the possibility to go into the actual code and play with it and also get real insights into how vulnerabilities can be exploited

    Luca Di Gregorio / post-graduate master student / University of Pisa
  • Hani Banayoti

    I learned about many concepts related to web application vulnerabilities, from basic to advanced, I would definitely recommend it to other people as it is a very easy user experience. The predefined path is also an added value if you're new to this.

    Hani Banayoti / Director / CyberSolace
  • Giorgio Leonarduzzi

    Lots of people don’t have enough awareness about the technologies they use on a daily basis. Many companies don’t realise the impacts of not having proper Cybersecurity solutions against spam emails and phishing. While technical skills are essential for tackling threats, people are often the weakest link in the company and need soft skills.

    Giorgio Leonarduzzi / post-graduate master student / University of Pisa
  • Antonio Álvarez is developing and rolling out a platform that will build more capacities for cybersecurity training in Europe.

    Antonio Álvarez / Project Manager / ATOS | Cyber Range & Capacity Building in Cybersecurity Cyber Range & Capacity Building in Cybersecurity


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