Ferrovie Italiane demonstrated the potential of the CYBERWISER.eu platform in a business setting for cybersecurity experts in the railroad transport domain. The Ferrovie Italiane cybersecurity team used the platform to perform attack and defence scenarios, while their business experts used the platform to understand the financial threat posed to critical assets (i.e., cost of a business interruption, cost of a data breach, and cost of replacing a damaged logical asset).
They worked to “close the gap” between cybersecurity experts and decision makers, showing what is at risk during an attack and how the cybersecurity team can react. With the use of the CYBERWISER.EU platform, the business experts were able to understand the costs of certain countermeasures and therefore able to estimate cost/benefit scenarios.
CYBERWISER.EU and FFSS selected, according to the specific needs of the railroad domain, a certain number of IT Systems (training assets) to be replicated under the SOC. FFSS Risk Management provided a first assessment of the financial cost of a successful attack (cost of a data breach, business interruption etc.) and provided the data to the training room to be used during the training. The training team was selected and the game performed, considering a real-time cost/benefits analysis.