Trust-IT is an SME highly specialised in research analysis & communication in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as well as the development & implementation of innovative web & mobile applications across Europe and globally.
Trust-IT has extensive experience in provisioning market analysis, road mapping studies such as delivering an interactive on-line map of EU28 cyber security national programmes. The Company has vast experience in coordination of EC-funded CSA initiatives, as well as in roll-out of sustainability activities for organisations involved in innovation efforts, with a focus on market uptake, including RDA Europe (http://europe.rd-alliance.org/ ) on data-driven innovation, and its effort in development and promotion of Cloud Computing Tools and Services for SMEs (e.g., www.cyberwiser.eu; www.cloudwatchhub.eu; www.ictfootprint.eu; www.picse.eu; www.sla-ready.eu). Recently it has been awarded the Common Dissemination Booster (CDB) a service offered by the European Commission [July 2017-June 2019] that supports all EC funded, or national or regional projects to maximise their impact & disseminate their projects better.