
Protecting British business from cyber attacks

The United Kingdom’s GCHQ  in association with the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure, Cabinet Office and Department for Business Innovation and Skills, has re-issued their ’10 Steps to Cyber Security’ publication, offering updated guidance on the practical steps that organizations can take to improve the security of their networks and the information carried on th

A new survey details the growing talent gap in cyber security

A recent survey from Raytheon has take a look at young people's preparedness for cyber-security and their prospects for entering the industry as cyber-security professionals.
The aim of the survey is to understand the career interests and educational preparedness of millennials (ages 18 to 26) in 12 countries around the world.

According to the survey there is a very low awareness of the cyber-security profession:the majority of respondent, 62%, have never considered a job career in cyber security.

The BBC: Six Things Firms can do to improve their Cyber Security

The growing global list of companies that have suffered major data breaches highlights the critical importance of cyber security. Google and McAfee estimate there are 2,000 cyber-attacks every day around the world, costing the global economy about €420 billion a year.

Yet more than two thirds of firms say they feel inadequately protected against increasingly sophisticated hackers looking to extort money through blackmail or steal data to sell on the black market. So what should businesses do to improve their security?

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“The level of sophistication of cyber attacks is increasing with at least three different ways of using the cyber weapon: cyber sabotage, cyber data theft, and cyber transfer of funds", says Giorgio Aprile, Head of Financial Institutions at Aon Italy, a leading global provider of risk management, insurance and reinsurance brokerage.
No digital business is immune and, potentially, no country either, even if the number cyber incidents reported is low

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