Cybersecurity education is one of the top three cybersecurity research priorities for EU-US collaboration, alongside Data Security and Privacy, and Security Management and Governance. This finding appears in the White Paper on Research and Innovation in Cybersecurity published last year by the EU Horizon 2020 AEGIS project (Accelerating EU-US Dialogue in Cyberwatching and Privacy) and updated to a policy brief in May 2019.
According to the report, which presents the results of both desk research and a survey carried out amongst ICT and cybersecurity researchers from academia, industry and government institutions in both the US and EU, more than 80% of the respondents saw cybersecurity education and training as the top research priority. Interestingly, this percentage rises to 84 when taking into account only EU respondents (and 92 including the results from desk research) as compared with 79% amongst US respondents (64% including desk research.) The disparity is perhaps not surprising given that in recent years the EU has implemented the world's toughest data protection and privacy regulations: the NIS Directive, and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In the US on the other hand, priority is higher for Identity and Access Management - 77% as compared with 56% in the EU.
Read the full text of the White Paper here.