What to consider when buying a smart device


The IoT is going to be the next step in digital world. According to analyst firm Gartner, by 2020 there will be over 26 billion connected devices, and other analysts believe the number will exceed 100 billion. The IoT market is still in its infancy, but is being driven by high expectations both for users and businesses.
However global connectivity between all devices could also create significant security concerns.

The greater the volume of sensitive data we transfer over the IoT, the greater the risk of data and identity theft, device manipulation, data falsification, IP theft and even server/network manipulation.

Here’s a quick security checklist every business should consider

  • Security and risk should be considered as part of any procurement of even the simplest smart device. Businesses usually don’t involve security experts in procurement buying decision as this tend to focus on business needs.
  • Ensure that your business devices allow sufficient access to the native operating system security feature. Otherwise your security experts will only have a limited security feature to work with.
  • Carefully read your devices terms and conditions. Do not assume data exfiltration is not being performed or is part of a light-hearted or innovative programme of customer service improvement. Read the terms and conditions and ask the company’s network specialists to check what data is being exfiltrated to determine the risks to the business.
  • Do not purchase smart devices that do not have simple and effective security patching functionality.
  • Smart devices often provide a Web-based method of remote access, but remote access is a feature that should be considered only when you actually need it instead of leave it on all the time.

Source: Computerweekly



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What to consider when buying a smart device | CYBERWISER.eu

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