Cyber attacks that exploit weaknesses in mobile devices and devices that make up the internet of things (IoT) are expected to continue in 2017.
Wearables - a growing challenge
The increased use of wearables also presents a growing challenge. While simplifying processes and everyday actions, such as providing security clearance to buildings or as a way of tracking activities so that time is used efficiently, they also create new potential vulnerabilities. In essence, every extra connected device that enters the home or the workplace is an extra route in for hackers.
Evolving Iot-enabled attacks
In 2017, IoT-enabled cyber attacks are also expected to become more intelligent and focused, successfully executing data theft and escalation of privilege of enterprise systems, thus exploiting IoT systems that are typically low-powered and without advanced encryption and data integrity functions.
It is also expected that there will be a move beyond DDoS to more sophisticated attacks such as ransomware and data theft, with critical infrastructures at risk.
2017 should be seen by suppliers as the year to counter the further exploitation of IoT devices by taking more pro-active measures to mitigate risks.