The European Commission has opened a public consultation on how to best set up a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) on cybersecurity, which will be launched in the course of 2016, as part of the European Commission's Digital Single Market (DSM) Strategy. The consultation is published along with a Roadmap outlining different policy options that should also help the European cybersecurity industry grow. Through this public consultation the Commission is seeking views (until 11 March 2016) on where to focus efforts for setting up this PPP as well as on other potential policy measures.
The global cybersecurity product market is expected to be worth around $100 billion by 2018. The goal of this initiative is to help the European cybersecurity industry develop digital security products which are competitive, trustworthy, interoperable and respect fundamental rights, including the right to privacy.
This PPP and the recent agreement on the first pan-EU cyber-security legislation are part of the Commission's work to build trust and confidence in a secure online environment. Currently only 22% of Europeans have full trust in search engines, social networking sites and e-mail services and only 38% of Europeans feel confident about online purchases from another EU country.
To prepare the launch of the PPP, the Commission welcomes views on:
- cybersecurity risks & threats that people and businesses in Europe are facing
- cybersecurity market conditions in Europe
- PPP technical priorities for research & innovation
Moreover, the consultation covers cybersecurity standardisation issues, seeking to complement the public consultation on the elaboration of the Priority ICT Standards Plan (running until 04/01/2016). It also touches upon other possible policy measures such as e.g. certification, labelling, access to financing, start-up support. Finally, it seeks stakeholders' views on R&I priorities that would be best addressed at the European level through Horizon 2020.
Respond to the consultation (questionnaire available in English, French and German):
This public consultation forms part of a wider European Commission consultation strategy, including the ongoing dialogue with stakeholders within the NIS Platform and continuous engagement with industry representatives.
Source and image credits: European Commission > Digital Agenda for Europe https://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/news/have-your-say-how-boost-euro...
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