Nextworks develops products in technology domains closely related to Media, Smart Homes/Building and Smart Factories.
Our mission is to provide cutting-edge solutions fully tailored to customers' needs. We leverage on best of breed 5G, SDN/NFV/MEC, IoT and Cloud technologies.
The “Symphony” product family by Nextworks (http://www.nextworks.it/en/products/brands/symphony) is a modular Building Management System and Digital Living. It offers services for automation, security, multimedia entertainment and communication, distributed between the local installation premises and the Cloud. Symphony is a powerful IoT platform which is offered to various Vertical industries and can be integrated with 5G.
Nextworks also offers a portfolio of consultancy solutions on SDN/NFV in 5G, network slicing, service composition, joint cloud+network resource orchestration. Among the customers of our training and technical project management services we count renowned vendors and Telcos in Europe.
To generate know-how we participate in mainstream R&D projects on 5G (H2020 5G-Crosshaul, SELFNET, 5G-Transformer SLICENET, 5Gcity, 5G-MEDIA, BlueSpace, 5G-EVE and 5GCroco), and on IoT and Factories of the Future themes (H2020 COMPOSITION, eFactory, symbIoTe).
To spin our innovation capabilities, our team has strong active participation to standards, particularly at ETSI