The Foundation is a specialized public entity of the Regional Health Service ( law no. 85/2009) constituted by the National Council for Research (CNR) and by the Tuscany Region for the management and further development of specialized healthcare and research activities of interest to the public health services, previously carried out by the Institute of Clinical Physiology of the CNR.
There are two centers of activity: one in the city of Pisa, located in the CNR Area of Research, and one in the city of Massa ("Ospedale del Cuore 'G. Pasquinucci'", previously named "Ospedale Pediatrico Apuano"), in the locality of Montepepe.
The Foundation is a highly-specialized center for the treatment of cardiopulmonary diseases, included rare disorders such as congenital heart defects, hereditary dyslipidemias, hemocromatosis, pulmonary hypertension, and amyloidosis.