Cyber Security nel Settore Assicurativo

Tuesday, 7 March, 2017 - 07:00 CET

Assolombarda Confindustria Milano Monza e Brianza in collaboration with Confindustria Digitale, Global Cyber Security Center e Gartner Consulting will organize the workshop "Cyber Security nel Settore Assicurativo: Minacce e Opportunità", that will be held in Milan on 7 March 2017.

During the workshop insurance companies and enterprises will discuss the priorities on the issue of cyber security and risk assessment in the full recognition that the issue is not only a threat but also an opportunity to be seized.

In addition, the workshop will provide an overview on the prospects of a rapidly evolving and revolution market. Will be discussed the definition of the risk profiles of companies and the basis on which the insurance companies will ensure enterprises taking into account the ecosystem that surrounds it.

Will be analysed, finally the guidelines that the regulator is putting in place, at European level.

For more information and registration click here

Cyber Security nel Settore Assicurativo | Cyber Range & Capacity Building in Cybersecurity


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